
Garage and Home Office

Colorbond steel that looks like weatherboard

Horizontal cladding

Garage with sideways colourbond

Offset garage door (not centered)

Skillion Roof to match home

Garage with Horizontal Cladding

Garage with whirly birds for ventialtion

Intererior gyprock

Double Garage

Cream Double Garage

Internal view of skylights

Blue Board Garage

Blue Board Garage

Pale eucalypt garage

Reinforced steel ready for concrete

Reinforced steel ready for concrete

Slab ready

Concrete slab preparation

Concrete after pouring

Concrete slab

Slab ready for new garage

Bluescope steel frame

Bluescope steel frame

Build in progress

Build in progress
Garage and Home Office
Colorbond steel that looks like weatherboard
Horizontal monopanel cladding (looks like weatherboard)Horizontal cladding
Horizontal monopanel cladding (looks like weatherboard)Garage with sideways colourbond
Offset garage door (not centered)
Advantages of a roller door off set to one side is you can get easier access down your drive way and allow you to have storage and a work bench on the other side.Skillion Roof to match home
Garage with Horizontal Cladding
Garage with whirly birds for ventialtion
Intererior gyprock
Internal view of gyprock being installed on our steel frame.Double Garage
With single roller doorCream Double Garage
With 2 roller doorsInternal view of skylights
Blue Board Garage
Blue Board Garage
Pale eucalypt garage
All in one colour pale eucalypt garageReinforced steel ready for concrete
Reinforced steel ready for concrete
Slab ready
Concrete slab preparation
Concrete after pouring
Concrete slab
Slab ready for new garage
Slab for all in one colour pale eucalypt garageBluescope steel frame
Bluescope steel frame
Build in progress
Build in progress