ShedSafe™ accreditation
Outdoor Garages and Sheds, Beverly Hills, Sydney is a nationwide distributor of Fair Dinkum Sheds.
Fair Dinkum Sheds, one Australia’s leading distributors of residential garages, carports, barns, farm sheds and industrial and commercial buildings, is leading the industry to be one of the first businesses to receive The Australian Steel Institute’s (ASI) new industry benchmark for steel sheds – ShedSafe™.
ShedSafe™ accreditation, which was officially launched in November 2010, came about after the ASI learned that most sheds that had structural failures during cyclone Larry in 2006, were not built to the standards set by the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Since then, further evidence of under-engineered sheds has also been discovered in areas across Australia – putting people and property at risk.
ShedSafe™ accreditation means that companies such as Fair Dinkum Sheds ensure that all guidelines set by the BCA are adhered to in the design of your shed, barn or garage.
ShedSafe™ accreditation cannot be purchased – it has to be earned and Fair Dinkum Sheds underwent a rigorous independent auditing and certification process by an ASI appointed panel of independent engineers and specialists.